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Institute of Contemporary Art Miami

Faren Humes, MLK, 2020

For her digital commission, Miami filmmaker Faren Humes gathers raw footage that she recorded at a Martin Luther King Parade in the Liberty City neighborhood from 2019. The images capture the joy and energy of community celebration but also suggests, through the presence of police lines and helicopters, the pervasive tensions of post-Civil Rights social relations.

Faren Humes is a writer and director from Miami, Florida. Her films have screened with special recognition at Berlinale, Internationale Kurzfilmtage, SXSW, AFI, New Orleans Film Festival, and Miami Film Festival. She has held fellowships with Film Independent, Knight Foundation, Sundance Institute, and Oolite, among others. Her work melds documentary and narrative conventions for social realist portrayals of Southern Black communities to explore themes of connectedness, belonging, and liminality.

ICA Miami’s Digital Commissions series is made possible by the Knight Foundation and expands the museum’s commitment to fostering artistic experimentation and commissioning new works, as well as engaging audiences with innovative artistic voices.